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Albatross, albatross
How callous the ocean you cross

I, I blame you, I blame you
For all of those things I've been through
Don't feel bad, not a pang
It's my neck around which you hang

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Like a chain or a tag
I flinch and you fall through the cracks
To the sea and all it bears
The secrets that I shoulda shared

Drowned then and there
Yeah, they drowned then and there
Yeah, they drowned then and there

I, I blame you, I blame you
For all of those things I've been through
Don't feel bad, not a pang
It's my neck around which you hang

Like a chain or a tag
I flinch and you fall through the cracks
To the sea and all it bears
The secrets that I shoulda shared

Drowned then and there
Yeah, they drowned then and there
Yeah, they drowned then and there

Albatross, albatross
Which way to turn when we're lost?

Writer(s): Christopher Robert Talbot, Hayden Norman Thorpe, Ben Little, Thomas William Fleming

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