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Still online
The vital time we hold

Signing off from life
To find the open road

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It must end

The world is ours

Burning the sun
On the lam
The soul that flies

Far outside
The fates we've broken with

All we are so longs
To finally begin

It must end

The world is ours
Just somewhere

Burning the sun
On the lam
And the soul that flies
Is on the lam
Burning the sun

The last run
Before the darkness


Seasons cycling
Through one constant frame
Only vices left
To relieve your wait

Demons on your back
Feeding off your faith
Knowing not for certain
If it's real or feigned

Feeling all the while
Nothing's bound to change
Knowing something more
Is somewhere

Burning the sun
On the lam
And the soul that flies
Is on the lam
Burning the sun

The last run
Before the darkness

Writer(s): Ronald Tippin

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