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When you look toward the city
A monument to there
(And as) you (walk through) to the streets
The people (looking sceared)
And there are parts of the city
Where a hand begins
Then the night time arise for his deadly sin
One place in the city where lights (shines) so pity
You think your life's on the trigger
You saying I don't care
No, No he don't care
He walks the street at night
What a lonely soul
With this guys by side he wonders
Why he's alone
But oh in the city when the sun goes down
The neon light goes on and he's on the prowl
The black (sky) in the city
The light shining through
When the sun goes down
(they could be on to you)

Oh in the city
You live or die
In the city
Don't ask why
In the city
You stroll at night
In the city
Stand up and fight

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Writer(s): Mike Tramp, Vito Bratta

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