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Lover, you want a war you want it sour
Lover, you want control you want the power
Lover, we used to live in harmony
Lover, you were my favorite company
A thousand lies I never knew
But the one I loved was always you
Now you're sleeping on your side
I can't believe it's true
Has it truly come to this?
A broken love we couldn't fix
I'm divided in two, and left to wonder

I know you want to see me suffer
No, it isn't me, you love another
Oh, you know the cycle will repeat
Forever, never ending happily
Azure eyes I thought I knew
But the one you loved was always you
Now you're sleeping on your side
I can't believe it's true
Has it truly come to this?
A broken love we couldn't fix
I'm divided in two, and left to wonder

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

Azure eyes I thought I knew
But the one you loved was always you
Singing softly in my womb
Pretending it's not true
Has it truly come to this?
A broken love we couldn't fix
I'm divided in two, and left to wonder

Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

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