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The day, the room, swept clear
And let out all the smoke
And you think it collapsed
Cause everything's your fault

It's ooh, you know
It's who, you know

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

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Call me a brother (you know)
Call me a sister (you know)

You watched the waves, when the walls
Collapse around a heart
And you think you control
The progress but

It's ooh, you know
It's who, you know

Call me a brother (you know)
Call me a sister (you know)
All the time we wasted it on these plans
All the time we wasted it on these plans

So sentimental
So sentimental

Call me a brother (you know)
Call me a sister (you know)
All the time we wasted it on these plans
All the time we wasted it on these plans
All the time we wasted it on these plans
All the time we wasted it on these plans

Writer(s): Michael Richards, Luke Henery, Luke Boerdam, James Jonathan Tidswell

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