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Glow, absent sun

Throw your final light of hope, I will quench it anyway
Some will leave and some will stay
But most important, they will be submit to change

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Now, the sky is darker than it has ever been
A massive night has condensed
You think that everything will turn and be alright
But where you are wrong, I am right
Because I know something that you don't
That's why I must come back

I know that I can change you, it's in my hands
This is our doom and I won't let you live in uncertainty
For as long as you exist, I will never get what I want
(Therefore I choose) Therefore I choose to suffer and so should you

There will inevitably be resistance, I know this all to well
I have been here before, you shut your eyes and ignore all my words
I am talking to deaf ears, but mark my words
You will never see the light of day
No one can save you now

No one can save you now

Writer(s): Daniel Bergstroem, Daniel Aedel, Carl Magnus Thomer, David Lindkvist

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