
  • Data wydania

    1 stycznia 2007

  • Czas trwania

    9 utworów

Distractive Killusions is the third full-length album by Polish symphonic black metal band Vesania. It was recorded at Studio X in Olsztyn, Poland by Szymon Czech and Vesania. The record was mixed and mastered at Studio X by Szymon Czech and Orion with virtual assisitance of Siegmar. The album was released worldwide in November, 2007. A limited edition digipak version was also released, containing two bonus tracks. This is the first album with Valeo as a real band member. The Album was originally released under Napalm Records, but it was released under Mystic Production in Poland.

Orion comments after the release of Distractive Killusions:
“We're proudly announcing the release of 'Distractive Killusions'! It's out now in stores. This time, beside the regular release of the album, we've prepared limited edition as well. For all those, who are willing to have a collectable item, there's a digi-pack version with two bonus tracks available. The extra songs on this one are: the single edit of 'Rage Of Reason' and the cover song of Bulldozer, 'Neurodeliri'. Make your choice and pick your copy!”

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