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There is a place where magic shows it's face
And I live as I dream
It flows through my life sometimes I know every day can shine
Gratitude is the key

Isn't it amazing we bring into existence
Anything we focus our mind
The power is here we have to be so clear
What we think is what we'll find

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And I know you are here, right here for me
Creator of Love I know you to be
And I know you you said you'd never leave
And when I close my eyes I feel you around me

Whisper in my ear loud so I can hear
The teachings of your soul
Connect me to the circuit, to the higher mind
Cos I know you have so much to tell
And I, am listening, I am listening

And I know you are here, right here for me
Creator of Love I know you to be
And I know you you said you'd never leave
And when I close my eyes I feel you around me
Oh yeah around me

Aye aye aye aye aye around me
Oh oh oh

Mmmmm aye aye aye around me
Oh oh around me
Ah yeah around me
Mmmmm around me
Around me
Around me
Ah yeah around me
Mmmm around me
Around me
Around me
Around me

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