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We are just all animals
Eating food, making love to the music of life
Hanging around with your friends at night
Friends you call your friends and people that you see through the night

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Oh oh woah, walking around town
Thinking of all those things you made
Oh oh woah, no place we can go
To make it all disappear

Jamaica! The lights are off
You will be dancing strong, you know it!
Jamaica! The lights are off
You will be dancing strong, you know it!

And the second you know your part
Makes it easy for us to let go of all the people we depend on
Northern lights so we remember sun
Never came open until we left

Oh oh woah, walking around town
Thinking of all those things you made
Oh oh woah, no place we can go
To make it all disappear

Jamaica! The lights are off
You will be dancing strong, you know it!
Jamaica! The lights are off
You will be dancing strong, you know it!

Jamaica! The lights are off
You will be dancing strong, you know it!
Jamaica! The lights are off
You will be dancing strong, you know it!

Jamaica! The lights are off
You will be dancing strong, you know it!
You know it!


Jamaica! The lights are off
Jamaica! You will be dancing strong, you know it!

Jamaica! The lights are off
Jamaica! You will be dancing strong

Writer(s): Matthew Edward Van Schie, Tomek Marian Archer, Nicholas Routledge, Michael Di Francesco

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