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So many have lost their way
So many have fallen to their grip of faith
Controlled by their words of hate
Divided we ravage our homelands

The abundance of numbness
Can claim self rule
Diseased transmission
Can claim us all

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A system of panic enslaves
The binding obtainment brings darker days
A stand must be taken to save
No cries for us, the war is waged, it's done

I strive to find my way
My will be done
Work these hands until they bleed
My will be done
I'll listen for the call
My will be done
Now pray for your miracle
My will be done

No cries for us
The war is waged
My will be done
My will be done

The abundance of numbness
Can claim self rule (my will be done)
Diseased transmission
Can claim us all (my will be done)

So many have lost their way
So many have fallen to their grip of faith
Controlled by their words of hate
Divided we perish

Now I strive to find my own way
My will be done
Work these hands until they bleed
My will be done
I'll listen for the call
My will be done
Now pray for your miracle
My will be done
My will be done
My will be done

Writer(s): Derek Kerswill, John Maggard, Paul Mcgrath, Trevor Phipps, Ken Susi

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