
Rain, rain, rain discard out the side of me
Disguising the side of me to wash the love away
Oh Joy, love, light recede it away of me
Recede it away of me the day I'd only say,
Oh saying so lone away
I'm giving the lie away, giving the lie
Giving the lie away, giving the lie
I'm giving the lie away, giving the lie awaay
I'm giving the lie awaaay

Her lights, I'm giving the joy of you, I'm giving the joy of you, I give it
Back to you
Her lies, I'm giving the joy of you, I'm giving the joy of you, I give it
Back to you
A lie, I'm giving the joy of you, I'm giving the joy of you, I give it back
To you
Why!… Go oh oh!
You got a place to go!… You got a place to go!… You got a
Place to go!
Love, love, love you reads on the side of me
You reads on the side of me to wash the turn away
Oh Sun!, turn, turn you're turning to shine on me
You're taking the life from me to go on your own away
Oh you're sending the love away
You're giving the light away
Her lights, I'm giving the joy of you, I'm giving the joy of you, I give it
Back to You
The lies, I'm giving the joy of you, I'm giving the joy of you, I give it
Back to You
The lies, I'm giving the joy of you, I'm giving the joy of you, I give it
Back to You
The lies, I'm giving the joy of you, I'm giving the joy of you, I give it
Back to You

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