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These are only my impressions
All of which are false
The day you've got nothing to say's
The day I check your pulse

Your ravings and your disses
You're cruel cruel cruel, cool
You never did nothing you hid
'Cept water down the truth

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FYI a POV don't make an NGO
This scorn porn's just the showboat spawn of
Lying in an exit poll

Who's screwing who, what, where, how, wow
Power gets let off every time
And all this scot-free moralising's got me quite demoralised

You phone it in
All shame and sin
You're coming out swingin'

Those who can't, teach
Those who don't, speech
Cuz we'd never see the light on our own

So why do I feel like I'm dying?

Shame and sin
Where you been
I don't ever miss you being on my own

Then you come in
All knowing
Like you've never made mistakes of your own

Kneel down by the advertising
Don't you make a single false move
We've got spies and rabble rousing
Seems like you could use a little sagely abuse

Where you been?
Shame and sin
I see everyone's joining in like they know

Then you come in
All shame and sin
Like you've never made mistakes of your own
Life's beautiful

So why do I feel like I'm dying?

Writer(s): Lauren Hammel, Erica Marie Dunn

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