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Tried to call you on the telephone
I didn't make it pass three rings
I tried to think of the perfect things to say
To you after the beep
Well I'm sorry that I'm drunk
I'm sorry what I said
I'm sorry for anything I ever did
But you ain't called back so
I guess I'll get some sleep

And I'm waiting patiently
But you're done and it's plain to see
That I messed up too much
I guess I'll cut my loss
And oh well, I'm drunk as hell
Guess it's so long darling I wish you well
And I'll take my Goddamn phone and shut it off
Well I'm just tired of being just another missed call

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Pretty glad you didn't call me back
It would have only made things worse
I always try to get the last word in
When you didn't even like the first
Now I'm begging baby please
You're begging me to leave
You don't want anything to do with me
And I guess you finally hit me where it hurts

And I'm waiting patiently
But you're done and it's plain to see
That I messed up too much
I guess I'll cut my loss
And oh well, I'm drunk as hell
Guess it's so long darling I wish you well
And I'll take my Goddamn phone and shut it off
Well I'm just tired of being just another missed call
Yeah I'm just another missed call

Well I'm done and it's safe to say
I won't make it past three rings
I'm pretty done finding words to say
To you after the beep

And I've waited patiently
But you're done and it's plain to see
That I messed up too much
I guess I'll cut my loss
And oh well, I'm drunk as hell
Guess it's so long darling I wish you well
And I'll take my Goddamn phone and shut it off
Well I'm just tired of being just another missed call
Just another missed call

Writer(s): Samuel Canty

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