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Frisco Flo was just a typical gal,
Frisco Flo was just a regular my gal sal;
Frisco Flo was just as sharp as a tack;
Frisco Flo, for a fellow would give the shirt right off of her back.

She khew the smallies and the biggies, the weak and the strong,
A sinner, no beginner, at kicking the gong,
But with it all, she always knew the right from the wrong.
Love thy neighbor was her favorite song!

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Frisco Flo is up in heaven, i know,
Her below,
We love the memory of Frisco Flo.
Though she's gone, we go on,
Like a flame, we carry onward in the name of Frisco Flo!

Writer(s): J. Fred Coots, Benny Davis

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