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Welcome to the sun
Welcome to the heart of it now
These are the big trees
This is the blue sea
Your friends

Welcome a summer sky
Welcome a clarity you will find now
Under the big trees
Deep in the blue sea
Your friends

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

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Open up your mind and heart again
Quiet your thoughts from a world made to forget
Listen, wonders still exist

Welcome each breath
Welcome the gifts that you've been blessed now
Under the big trees, this is the blue sea
Your friends

Open up your mind and heart again
Quiet your thoughts from a world made to forget
Listen, wonders still exist

Welcome each breath
Welcome the gifts that you've been blessed
Yes these big trees, yes this blue sea
Your friends

Welcome to the sun
Welcome to the heart of it now
These are the big trees
This is the blue sea
Your friends

Breathe in the big trees
Dive in the blue sea
Your friends

These are the big trees
This is the blue sea
Your friends

Writer(s): Timothy Lang

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