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It's all in my head
The earth quakes
Floorboards will give way
Uncovering misconceptions at the level of everything I care about
Everything I've ever loved

When the blood runs thick
Be a tourniquet
You couldn't stop it if you wanted to
You couldn't stop it if you wanted to

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And it's all in my head
The walls move in unnatural ways
I found myself in a darker place
Afraid of change but more afraid to stay the same
These days it's hard not to feel alone
There is a dull glow coming through your window
These days it's hard not to feel alone
There is a dull glow coming through your window

When the blood runs thick
Be a tourniquet
You couldn't stop it if you wanted to
You couldn't stop it if you wanted to

Why does the room still spin at the very mention your name?
Why do the walls close in every time I see your face?
Why does the room still spin at the very mention your name?
Why do the walls close in every time I see your face?

These days it's hard not to feel alone
There is a dull glow coming through your window
These days it's hard not to feel alone
There is a dull glow coming through your window
These days it's hard not to feel alone
There is a dull glow coming through your window
These days it's hard not to feel alone
There is a dull glow coming through your window

Writer(s): William Yip

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