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Sometimes I hear the song that you are singing,
Softly out of tune, in broken lines.
I see the truth, the rhythm and the meaning,
And the best I'll ever be inside in your eyes.

Sometimes you are the dry grass summer orchids,
Sometimes a hawk lonely in its flight.
I don't know where you end and I'm beginning
Are you awake tonight and looking at the sky?

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It's too soon to go, it's too soon to go –
Stay a little longer, there's so much I need to know.
Time is a just our small tracks in the falling snow,
It's just too soon for you to go.

Sometimes I hear you speak when you aren't speaking,
Sometimes I feel you hurt, that's when I cry.
Your kindness is the conscience running through me
And your easy laughter spills across these lines.

It's too soon to go, it's too soon to go –
Stay a little longer, there's so much I need to know.
Time is just our small tracks in the melting snow,
It's just too soon for you to go.

Sometimes I am just a child of your mercy,
Sometimes a woman softly through the night.
Sometimes I just don't feel I can keep going,
Because of you, I raise myself and try.

It's too soon to go, it's too soon to go –
Stay a little longer, there's so much you need to know.
Time is just our small tracks in the falling snow,
And it's just too soon for you to go.

Writer(s): Tift Merritt

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