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Why can't you pick up the telephone?
Oh I know that you're at home
I'm really past caring how you think
I just want to know about him

And you're so right, they don't miss a thing round here
And how do you think I feel?
Oh you can try but you're not getting out that way
You're just as much to blame

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And if it didn't mean a thing
And you've told him to go
And if you're as sorry as you say
Why didn't you just say no?

It's strange that this room's so different now
Oh I didn't come to row
It's just this razor, he's left it on your shelf
I'll throw it out myself

And if it didn't mean a thing
And you've told him to go
And if you're as sorry as you say
Why didn't you just say no?

Writer(s): David Lewis Gedge

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