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I'd give you all my love
I'd give you all my love
But my heart itself is broken
How many nights must lumber by
I sit alone and I wonder why

Oh, hazy, lazy days
I could dream of you forever
Under the shade of a juniper tree
I sing a sad song of you and me

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The sky above
The sky above
Is blue as your blood

Black is the color of your eyelash
Spanish is the language of your tongue
Life rolled us over like a town car
Bruised up and busted to the ground

The Lord came down and said to me
"Throw off your worries and be at peace"

The sky above
The sky above
Is blue as your blood
In a hazy, lazy daydream

Writer(s): Peter M Bauer, Walter Martin, Hamilton Leithauser, Paul Maroon, Matthew Frederick Barrick

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