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I know it's wrong and I'm nothing but a fool,
But I just can't help it, can't stop thinking 'bout you,
And this loneliness that hounds me through my days,
Can only be tamed by your, loving ways.

Baby it's cold, here on the outside,
Waiting for some kind of sign,
'Cause you keep me hanging on, leading me on,
If you can't be mine,
Then cut the line.

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Feeling so high my head is spinning round,
And I may well regret these words,
When my feet touch the ground,
Don't get me wrong I know you've got another,
But I'll be crying in shame to keep this undercover.

Baby it's cold, here on the outside,
And I'm at your beck and call,
'Cause you keep me hanging on, leading me on,
Stop wasting my time,
And cut the line.

Don't make me suffer,
Don't you make me beg,
You've gotta have mercy on me,
And set me free.

Baby it's cold, here on the outside,
Waiting for some kind of sign,
You just keep me hanging on, leading me on,
If you can't be mine,
Please cut the line.

Writer(s): Robert Henry Peter White

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