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That Summer, At Home I Had Become the Invisible Boy


And 14, and you know
That I'm looking the wrong way
And is the past outside
Or in this lovely home

A strong father figure
And with a heart of gold
A loving mother, a loving mother

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They're standing outside
And they're looking in

They're standing outside
And they're looking in

They're standing outside
And they're looking in

Kids are on fire, in the bedroom
The cunt sits at his desk
And he's plotting away

The kids are on fire, in the bedroom

And 14, and you know
That I've learned the easy way
The stupid decisions
And with a broken heart

And they're sitting around the table
And they're talking behind your back

A loving mother, a loving mother

They're standing outside
And they're looking in

They're standing outside
And they're broken in

The kids are on fire, in the bedroom

The cunt sits at his desk
And he's plotting away

The kids are on fire, in the bedroom
The kids are on fire, in the bedroom
The kids are on fire, in the bedroom

Writer(s): Mark Gerard Devine, Craig Orzel, James Alexander Graham, Andrew James Macfarlane

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