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You know that town outside a city
Well, it's a town outside that town
It's probably the last place on this earth that you would want to be
But it's the best place to feel aground

Fine and dandy, look what I did, don't want you 'round here
Fine and dandy, oh, now,
all the pearls that I'm wearin' feel so ridiculous
Fine and dandy indeed

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Well, there's a place inside that town
That you've been to many times
And it's brought you in and fixed you up
but this time I offer and you're out of luck
And it's the purest I have found

You're not fine and dandy,
and look what I did, won't make it disappear
You're not fine and dandy, oh,
now all the frills and the fine stuff feel so ridiculous
When you're, you're not fine and dandy

Pulls me back by the hair as your blue eyes roll back there
We know it's not fine and dandy, yeah, we know it's not fine and dandy
Yeah, it pulls me back by the hair as your blue eyes roll back there
And we know it's not fine and dandy,
yeah, we know it's not fine and dandy

The only thing that's beautiful is wearing your Sunday best
We can only watch you while you're
sleeping, what's become of all the rest?

Oh the only thing that's beautiful is to wear your Sunday best
We can only watch you while you're
sleeping, what's become of all the rest?

Fine and dandy
Fine and dandy

Writer(s): Jules De Martino, Katie White

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