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I don't care about a reputaion
I don't care about the complications
Feeling good cause we're going nowhere
But that's ok cause i'll start somewhere
(na na na na)
There's no space in time
(na na na na)
Cause i just wanna fight
(na na na na)
And i will come around
(na na na na)
I'm automatic!

And on the streets i can hear them talking
I am a machine who ran away, i'll watch him
I'm feeling good cause i'm going nowhere
But that's alright cause i'll start somewhere

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(na na na na)
There's no space in time
(na na na na)
Cause i just wanna fight
(na na na na)
And i will come around
(na na na na)
I'm automatic!

Writer(s): Charlotte Louise Cooper, Joshua Thomas Morgan, William Morgan

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