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You and I travel to the beat of a different drum
Oh, can't you tell by the way I run?
Everytime you make eyes at me

You cry and moan and say it will work out
But honey child, I've got my doubts
You can't see the forest for the trees

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So, don't get me wrong
It's not that I knock it
It's just that I, I'm not in the market
For a boy who wants to love only me

Yes, and I ain't sayin' you ain't pretty
All I'm sayin's I'm not ready
For any person, place or thing
To try and pull the reins in on me

So goodbye, I'll be leavin'
I see no sense in this cryin' and grievin'
We'll both live a lot longer
If you live without me

So, don't get me wrong
It's not that I knock it
It's just that I, I'm not in the market
For a boy who wants to love only me

Yes, and I ain't sayin' you ain't pretty
All I'm sayin's I'm not ready
For any person, place or thing
To try and pull the reins in on me

So goodbye, I'll be leavin'
I see no sense in this cryin' and grievin'
We'll both live a lot longe
If you live without me

Writer(s): Michael Nesmith

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