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I can feel it
This weight of time could pull me down
Got me seasick
And soon enough I'm gonna drown
I can't keep pushing back the plans I've got
Impersonating something I have not

Port to starboard, rolling, crashing, racing pass my eyes
Got me seasick
I can feel it
I can feel it

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New start, dead end
I fake my way through everything
All my old friends
Forget how well I know them
Through twisting gales I keep the sails aligned
Recalibrate when something goes awry

Port to starboard, rolling, crashing, racing pass my eyes
Got me seasick
I can feel it
I can feel it

We get caught up in the little things
Displaced from what we know
Though I'm not too fond of travelling
There's a long, long wave behind me

And I can feel it
I can feel it
I can feel it

Writer(s): Brian Mclaughlin, Jeremy Cohen, Luke Imbusch

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