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I never wanted to find out the reason
Of what was really wrong inside
I just didn't want to know about it
'Cos all I needed to do was hide
But as the days went by
And all my friends wanted to find out
I just didn't want to know about it
'Cos all I needed to do was shout

I Never Needed You

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

As soon as I was told I was going to die
A different person entered me
Some people seemed to change overnight
Oh why cant they see?
I just couldn't seem to do no wrong
All I seemed to do was right
and then with only two months left
That's all I seemed to do was fight
And say...

Writer(s): Mark Harris, Robert Harrington, Andrew Lealand, Louise Wright

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