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There's a faint longing for something that's long lost and gone
That you remember from another life
Another life, another time
Something quaint, something neat, must have been quite a treat
A shared conspiracy
Something not around, no more

Nothing lives, nothing breathes in this mire of disease
The deniers fled into the night
Don't know what is wrong or right
Something to be relived in psychedelic fever dreams
And cherished memories
Riddled by nostalgia, did you see?

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

Did you see, did you see this closing in?
Did you prepare yourself for the
Unfathomable, for the day
For the day when this train went completely off the rails
And everything went up in flames
And nothing here would ever be the same

We've gotten used to the cues
Waiting for the next batch of bad news
Another bolt out of the blue
We're waiting for the next batch of bad news

We've gotten used to the simple fact
All we hold dear is hanging by a thread
And every haven that we fabricate
Can only be an intermittent space

We've gotten used to the simple fact
All we hold dear is hanging by a thread
And every haven that we fabricate
Can only be an intermittent space

We've gotten used to the simple fact
All we hold dear is hanging by a thread
And every haven that we fabricate
Can only be an intermittent space

We've gotten used to the cues
Waiting for the next batch of bad news
Another bolt out of the blue
We're waiting for the next batch of bad news

It's clear that you do have a strong tendency
To fall for conspiracy theories
Have you ever noticed the myths you believe
They grow on the soil of your own inner fears?

Brace yourself for the worst
(Brace yourself for the worst)

Now you're done
You've built your castle
All alone
To live in it

Now you're done
You've built your castle
All alone
To rot in it

Writer(s): Robin Staps, Loic Rossetti, Paul Seidel, Mattias Hagerstrand, Peter Voigtmann, David Ahfeldt

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