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I drive alone in the city
When everyone else is asleep
I won't get stuck at a red light all night
'Cuz there's nobody here but me
The wheels are screaming
I leave it all behind
But it always catches up with me, it seems
Feel the metal touch the pedal
But no matter where I go
I can't shake but feeling alone

I can count by the hours
The signs going by
What I find flying blind, I don't know
I can count on the music
That plays in my head
And there's always more road to go

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I notice a pair of headlights
It's like two eyes are following me
They've been keeping up with me for miles while I
See if they can hang with my speed
The wheels are screaming
Is it all in my mind
But if I think it then it's real to me, it seems
The faster I go, the faster they go
What are they running from?
Maybe they can't shake but feeling alone

I can count by the hours
The signs going by
What I find flying blind, I don't know
I can count on the music
That plays in my head
And there's always more road to go

The cry of the tires, nothing to quench my desire
I drove from Capistrano to the Inland Empire
Now I'm headed to the shore which I usually adore
But some reason tonight, no matter what, I want more
I'm looking out for trouble or whatever
But think of me giving a damn, how 'bout never
Five lanes are mine, usually the left three
I don't slow down, I just slide in between
I scan the lane for a black and whites hid
I don't get pulled over 'cuz I'm straight lucid
I'm running on fumes in my mind, like the gas
I imagine the lives of the people I pass

I can count by the hours
The signs going by
What I find flying blind, I don't know
I can count on the music
That plays in my head
And there's always more road to go

Writer(s): Zachary Hexum, Nicholas Hexum, Andres Rebellon, Gary Novak, Luke Miller

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