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The System Only Dreams in Total Darkness



Maybe I listen more than you think
And I can tell that somebody sold you
We said we'd never let anyone in
We said we'd only die of lonely secrets

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The system only dreams in total darkness
Why are you hidin' from me?
We're in a different kind of thing now
All night you're talkin' to God

I thought that this would all work out after a while
Now you're sayin' that I'm askin' for too much attention
Also, no other faith is light enough for this place
We said we'd only die of lonely secrets

The system only dreams in total darkness
Why are you hidin' from me?
We're in a different kind of thing now
All night you're talkin' to God

And I cannot explain it, ah
Any other, any other way
I cannot explain it, ah
Any other, any other way

The system only dreams in total darkness
Why are you hidin' from me?
We're in a different kind of thing now
All night you're talkin' to God

And I cannot explain it, ah
Any other, any other way
I cannot explain it, ah
Any other, any other way
I cannot explain it, ah
Any other, any other way
I cannot explain it, ah
Any other, any other way

Writer(s): Bryce David Dessner, Matthew D. Berninger, Aaron Brooking Dessner

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