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I had a couple too many last night
And there's lessons to be learnt
Monday mornin rattles in my head
And there's coppers to be earned

I met a girl thought she was the bees knees
Turns out she isn't even from brockley oh (x2)

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Nights out for a tenner
Night out with a tenner
Young forever
Sneaking out from your mothers
And I said oh

Cos we're the south east lovers
Yeah we're the last of the lookers
Wrapped up topshop coked up sweethearts know
Wrapped up topshop coked up sweethearts know

I had a couple too many last night
And there's lessons to be learnt
Monday mornin rattles in my head
And there's coppers to be earned

I met a girl thought she was the bees knees
Turns out she's aint even from brockley Oh (x 2)

Nights out for a tenner
Night out with a tenner
Young forever
Sneaking out from your mothers
And I said oh

Cos we're the south east lovers
We're the last of the lookers
Wrapped up topshop coked up sweethearts know
Wrapped up topshop coked up sweethearts know
Wrapped up topshop coked up sweethearts know

Writer(s): Saul Adamczewski

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