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He s telling lies, he never waits,
Comes aware but he never breakes alone
To love is a common one, here he loves the way you are
Get rest and stop, I want to stop
And he s happy, it s true, there s nothing you can do
He s happy, it s true, there s nothing you can do
Tell me what you thought
A sad man without a face thinking about a memory day

And that is more, everyone seems star
And he s happy, it s true, there s nothing you can do
The one you can t lost, he s happy, it s true
Everybody gets something to prove
Tell me what you thought
And he s happy, it s true, there s nothing you can do
The one you can t lost,
Everybody gets something to prove.

Writer(s): Tom-eric Moraweck, Sebastian Grund, Nick Wachsmuth, Andre Moraweck, Marc Zech

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