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Daddy told me when I was seventeen
Live straight, shoot straight
And always keep my dreams.

But a man killed him
Shot him in cold blood.
As he died, I held his hand
I think he knew I understood.

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(He said)
Follow the sun
Where the west was won
And the desert kissed the moon
One day I pray
That you won't need this gun

But for now, keep your back to the sun.

Some kill for money
Some kill for gold
I killed for vengence
Cause I guess they took my soul.

Now I'm a running man
Running in the rain.
I still see their faces
But the whiskey kills the pain.

Follow the sun
Where the west was won
And the desert kissed the moon,

Writer(s): Richard Oren Young, Fred Young, Greg Martin, Doug Phelps, Anthony Kenney

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