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Well, I guess I never saw her in that way
Well, I guessed everything always ends that way
Oh, I guess I should have tried to make her stay
Keep on coming

Keep on coming

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Some people live their lives to understand
Some people live their lives to take command
But the day has come when I must make my stand
Keep on coming

Keep on coming

Don't ever change
Don't ever change
If they can't get to you

It's just the way you tried to hold me down
You got a hold on me, and I'm scared to make a sound
And you know everything I've ever tried to say
Come on, keep on coming, please don't walk away
You got a hold on me and I'm scared to let you go

(Keep on comin') and you know everything I've ever tried to say
It's just the way you tried to hold me down
You got a hold on me and I'm scared to keep it down

Oh, comin'
Oh, comin'
I'll keep on comin', keep on comin'

Writer(s): Reid

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