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I saw you from a distance
Swing from the high line
All that was before you

Vanished in a moment's time
We thought the race was a long war
We didn't know that we'd win it
We thought the good times were yet to come
We didn't know we were in it

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Oh, gravity
Oh, gravity
Don't let go
Don't let go

Pull back the curtain
Climbed up on the sky line
I can see forever
Out beyond the end of time
We thought the game was a long one
We didn't know that we'd won
We thought the path was a straight line
We didn't know we were on it

Oh, gravity
Oh, gravity
Don't let go
Don't let go

What couldn't go wrong
If you hold on
Hold on to me

Oh, gravity
Oh, gravity
Oh, gravity
Don't let go
Don't let go
Don't let go
Don't let go

Writer(s): Sarah Siskind, Jeremy Garrett, Andy Hall, Chris Pandolfi, Travis Book, Andy Falco

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