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If I know one thing, that's true
It ain't what you say, it's what you do
And you don't say much, yeah, that's true
But I listen when you do
A thousand years go by
But love don't die

If I know one thing, that's true
It's that I'm never leaving you
And you don't say much, yeah, that's true
But I lose it when you do
Don't let them tell no lies
Love don't die

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No matter where we go
Or even if we don't
And even if they try
They'll never take my body from your side
Love don't die

If there is one thing, that's true
It's not what I say, it's what I do
And I say too much, yeah, that's true
So just listen to what I do
A thousand years go by
But love don't die

No matter where we go
Or even if we don't
And even if they try
They'll never take my body from your side
Love don't die

You can break it up (up)
You can burn it down (down)
You can box it in (in)
Bury it in the ground
You can close it off (off0
You can turn it away (away)
Try to keep it down (down)
Six feet in the ground
But love don't die

No matter where we go
Or even if we don't
And even if they try
They'll never take my body from your side
Love don't die

No matter where we go
Or even if we don't
I'd like to watch them try
They'll never take my body from your side
Love don't die

Writer(s): Isaac Slade, Joseph King, Ryan Tedder, David M Welsh, Benjamin Wysocki

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