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I heard you calling me in a dream
With your hands around my neck
You're asking me to speak
While stifling my breath

You were calling me all along
The words hang on my ears
Skipping stones into a pond
I've remembered all these years
In a dream one night, you were choking me
And now I can't wake up
I wanna know where that came from

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You were calling me by name
And asking me to speak
Now, I wanna know how come

I heard you calling me in a dream
I woke up in a cold sweat
I don't know what it means
I just know I can't forget
In a dream, one night you were choking me
And now I can't wake up
I wanna know where that came from

You were calling me by name
And asking me to speak
Now, I wanna know how come

In a dream one night, you were choking me
And now I can't wake up
I wanna know where that came from
You were calling me by name
And asking me to speak
Now, I wanna know how come

Writer(s): Lauren Hunter Curra

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