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Once in a while, the time will come
To surrender everything you have to give
Once in a while, the time will come
To surrender everything you have to give

I would have given up for you
I know they're gonna bump and collide
I'm sure there's planets wrapped up with you
I've seen them kissing out in the hallway

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Once in a while, the zebras run
To the spaceman and his gun, in the spider's web
Once in a while, the zebras run
To the spaceman and his gun, in the spider's web

I would have given up for you
I know they're gonna bump and collide
I'm sure there's planets wrapped up with you
I've seen them kissing out in the hallway
In the hallway
In the hallway
In the hallway

Writer(s): Wayne Michael Coyne, Michael Lee Ivins, Steven Gregory Drozd, Ron Lee Jones

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