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In your palace
Will you catch the sceptre on the first bounce?
No one unaffected
The faithless electors came unannounced
I'm out

I'm gonna have to run
Waiting on someone
Waiting on someone
You'll only flower once
To become
Then you're done

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Connections got you covered
Buying back your memories at any cost
In an IHOP bathroom
Staring at a photo
You thought was lost

I'm gonna have to run
Waiting on someone
Waiting on someone
You'll only flower once
To become
Then you're done
And part of me always knew
That our time
Burned right through
While I was blind

And after all she said
I'll impress you
With stripes of green and red
The least I can do
And I will scrapbook thoughts
Save the clippings as if they mean something

I'm gonna have to run
Waiting on someone
Waiting on someone
You'll only flower once
To become
Then you're done
And part of me always knew
That our time
Burned right through
While I was blind

Writer(s): Gary John Jarman, Ross Anthony Jarman, Ryan James Jarman

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