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When I came home from the party
Everything had changed
The city was beside itself
Just one inch away
Alright, my tongue gets split my hands are gloved
I just can't quite shake it off
I just can't quite shake it off
I just can't quite shake it off

When I came home from the movies
Through each ten and nine
The city was in retriform
For the twenty-second time
All night they haunted in Middleston
All the summoned faces
Marching through the crowd
All the summond faces
Marching through the crowd

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All that day, and all that night
Our dead friends walked into the streets
Their faces in the doorways
Like a mirror to your photographs
They mingled with the crowds until
The living and the dead became each other

Writer(s): Alasdair David Maclean, James Mark Hornsey, Mark Nicholas Keen

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