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He brought me through hard trials
He brought me through tribulations
Never let a day go by and not realize
Had not been for the Lord who was on my side

Back was against the wall
He looked out for me
He heard my cry and rescued me
Never let a day go by and not realize we are blessed

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Don't take it for granted that we are here today
Just know that we're blessed and highly favored
Just know that we're blessed and highly favored

As I look back through the years,
It's amazing how He kept me.

What the devil mean't for evil,
God turned it around,
Turned it around just for my good.

I know that I am blessed and highly favored.
Just know that we're blessed and highly favored.

It coulda' been me,
It shoulda' been me,
It woulda' been me if it wasn't for the blood.

Grace, mercy.
Grace, mercy.

Just know that we're blessed and highly favored,
just know that we're blessed and highly favored.

Writer(s): Kierra Sheard

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