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Kids killing children outside my door step
Gun shot, gun's hot, knife rules, knifes cruel
Blue lights are haunting me everyday and every night
Police shoot, police loot, police lies, police spy
Catch a fire, catch a fire
Start a fire, start a fire
Light a fire, light a fire
Burn a fire, burn a fire
White collar vampires sucking blood from London streets
Black money, stealing honey, blood money, not funny
Let's clean this city with burning flames of fire
Crack heads, piss heads, hood rats, undead
Catch a fire, catch a fire
Start a fire, start a fire
Light a fire, light a fire
Burn a fire, burn a fire
Everybody knows that violence grows
This city drives me crazy and skitzoid
Let's clean this city with burning flames of fire
Crack heads, piss heads, hood rats, undead.

Writer(s): Kevin Martin

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