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Yeah, I don't think I'm alive
Dead footsteps, another outcast screaming alone
God help me, give me what you want
Give me what you need, I'll take it all
Stand fall, lost out, baby, yes I know

It's not a secret, a false alarm
Another front page
Lie disguised to help me burn

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Another year of research stand still
Turn on the lights, baby, show me your scars
Salvation, give me audio give me visual overload
So slow, lost out, baby, yes I know

Yeah, everyone is suspect
Everyone deserts sometimes
Another loss, I'm feeling alone

It's not a secret a false alarm
It's not a secret, it's not a sad song
Another front page lie disguised to help me burn
God help us, false alarm

Writer(s): Joby J. Ford, Jorma Vik, Matt Caughthran, James Tweedy

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