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Can't stop
And face the facts
I'm high strung and I can't relax.
Tune me down cause I'm feeling sharp.
My blood's too weak and it strains my heart.
And hearts of gold can turn to grey.
And wills of iron can melt away.
Hey, this looks like the place,
We can stop, pick up some fame.

Can't stop
Oh doctor please.
I bruise so easy and I cut so clean,
Cure me quickly bring me to my knees.
Knock me out, come on i wanna sleep.

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Doctor please, cure me quick.
Doctor please, I feel so quick.
Doctor please, what's that pain
Doctor please, here it comes again.

Can't stop.
I can't slow down.
My nose is bleeding, hanging upside down.
My head is reeling, I don't hear a sound.
My mouth's dry, it turns me inside out.

Writer(s): Bob Geldof

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