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No, Lord, I need a little soul
No, Lord, I need a little soul
To clear my head
To clear my head
When the heat begins to roar

No, no, no, no
No, no, no, no

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Oh, the doctor got another for me
(Oh, the doctor got another for me)
Oh, the doctor got another for me
(Oh, the doctor got another for me)
To cure these shakes (shakes)
To cure these shakes (shakes)
When the heat's risin' up in me

No, no, no, no
No, no, no, no

'Cause this ain't my head
This ain't mine, it won't leave me be
It won't leave me be
It won't leave me be

Now I know you got it living in you
(I know you got it living in you)
'Cause I know you got it living in you
(I know you got it living in you)
'Cause you don't move (move)
But you don't move (move)
Unless there's heat rising up in you

No, no, no, no
No, no, no, no

'Cause this ain't my head
'Cause this ain't mine, it won't leave me be
It won't leave me be

Writer(s): Linaberry Jonathon

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