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They're forming in straight line
They're going through a tight wind
The kids are losing their minds
The Blitzkrieg Bop
They're piling in the back seat
They're generating steam heat
Pulsating to the back beat
The Blitzkrieg Bop

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Hey ho, let's go
Shoot 'em in the back now
What they want, I don't know
They're all reved up and ready to go
They're forming in a straight line
They're going through a tight wind
The kids are losing their minds
The Blitzkrieg Bop

They're piling in the back seat
They're generating steam heat
Pulsating to the back beat
The Blitzkrieg Bop
Hey ho, let's go
Shoot 'em in the back now
What they want, I don't know
They're all reved up and ready to go

They're forming in a straight line
They're going through a tight wind
The kids are losing their minds
The Blitzkrieg Bop
They're piling in the back seat
They're generating steam heat
Pulsating to the back beat
The Blitzkrieg Bop

Hey ho, let's go
Shoot 'em in the back now
What they want, I don't know
They're all reved up and ready to go

The Blitzkrieg Bop
The Blitzkrieg Bop
The Blitzkrieg Bop

Writer(s): Johnny Ramone, Joey Ramone, Tommy Ramone, Dee Dee Ramone

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