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We've got beaches in mind
Man it's been too much time

Woke me up before dawn
Wish I could sleep some more so I could carry on
With the dream I've been meaning to make come true
And that's to get away with you

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I think we all can agree
That there's no better place for us to be
We can drive on for miles till we're finally free
It will just be you and me

We've got beaches in mind
Man it's been too much time
Not a care in the world is where I want to be

Southbay surfing again
Haven't been this way in I don't know when
If I have my say we'll be back again
Where the good times never end

We've got beaches in mind
Man it's been too much time
Not a care in the world is where I want to be
With the surfers, sand and the sea

We'll find a place in the sun
Where everyone can have fun

Beaches in mind
Man it's been too much time
Not a care in the world is where I want to be
With the surfers, sand and the sea

We've got beaches in mind
Man it's been too much time
Not a care in the world is where I want to be
Beaches in mind

Writer(s): Brian Douglas Wilson, Joseph Thomas, Michael Edward Love

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