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Well, this is new
My winter blues have turned yellow
I'm down here before noon
Squinting up out the window

This isn't what I meant at all
When I said let's get out of here and thaw
Worry's got me by the throat
I keep my feet to the road

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But it's breathing down my neck
And it does not care that I object
I got the fear
I got the fear

You, panicking
In the public bathroom stall
Your chest in a free fall
You're not alone in there

And the dread doesn't pay any rent money
But as long as it doesn't get a hold of my honey
Think I'll be alright
Think I'll be alright

Though my usual tricks aren't working
And our only world is burning
And even what is only real in my head
Destroys me, are we all doomed
To fulfill this prophecy?

Writer(s): Mackenzie Ruth Scott

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