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The radio still burns
You're messed-up, high, and in love with everything
And that's what I bring

And now you're making it worse
In a mixed-up world I can hear the chimes in spring
And that's when all the rain begins

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We parked up by the pier
Count one, two, three, climbing a ladder to the sky
The police on the beach analyze

You say the world just doesn't exist
But tomorrow's memories out in the meadow run free
As far as the eye can see

Everso, everso, everso, everso
Everso, everso, everso, everso
Everso, everso, everso, everso
Everso, everso, everso, everso

The radio still plays
The mix is high but you know the blood has run cold
That's when all your life can unfold

And from the mangled metal frays
Blazing thought forms drift off in the morning blue
I wasn't born to lose you

Everso, everso, everso, everso
Everso, everso, everso, everso
Everso, everso, everso, everso
Everso, everso, everso, everso

Writer(s): Adam Franklin, James Hartridge, Steven Totterdell

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