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When we were young
We had no history
So nothing to lose

Meant we could choose
Choose what we wanted then
Without any fear
Or thought of revenge

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But then, you grew old
And I lost my ambition
So I gained an addiction
To drink and depression

They are mine
My only true friends
And I'll keep them with me
Until the very end

I'd choose not to remember
But I miss your arrogance
And I need your intelligence
And your hate for authority

But now, you're gone
I read it today
They found you in Spain
Face down in the street

With a bottle in your hand
And a wild smile on your face
And a knife in your back
You died in a foreign land

And they found my letter
Rolled up in your pocket
Where I said I'd kill myself
If she left me again

So now, she's gone
And you're both in my mind
I've got one thing to say
Before I am drunk again

God damn the Sun
God damn the Sun
God damn anyone
That says a kind word

God damn the Sun
God damn the Sun
God damn the light it shines
And this world it shows

God damn the Sun

Writer(s): Michael Gira

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