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I think that maybe it's time for you to go home soon.
I've been travveling around the world just to follow you
Now I know that you're afraid that I might turn away from you

The waves are even flowing
All the thousand stars will one day stop glowing
The universe is waiting for just another transformation

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This is the answer I am giving you
I am honest when I say that I love you, but
It doesn't matter
It doesn't matter
If I should ever turn away from you

I've seen blood on hands of an innocent nation
I've seen endless war and endless desperation
Professors are patiently observing
just another generation.

This is the answer I am giving you
I am honest when I say that I love you, but
It doesn't matter
It doesn't matter
If I should ever turn away from you

Writer(s): Susanne Sundfor

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